19-21 NOVEMBER 2025

La Foire Internationale de Casablanca
Casablanca, Morocco

5th Africa Food Show to be held in Casablanca

La 5ème édition de l’Africa Food Show se tiendra à Casablanca 

The MIE Group, which has been present in the MENA region for over 23 years, intends to put over 300 players in the agri-food sector in touch with each other, in order to establish substantial business relationships.

Through its exhibitions, the MIE Group accompanies several Chinese companies in the Middle East and Africa. With a strong presence in Dubai, the MIE Group has expanded to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Nairobi in Kenya, and Ghana where the "Ghana Investment trade Week" summit will be held under the aegis of the Presidency of Ghana between October 23 and 25, 2023, and to Casablanca as the final stop for trade fairs organized in Africa.

The MIE Group has organized over 100 renowned international exhibitions, bringing together 60,000 Chinese exhibitors in the Middle East and Africa. The MIE Group has also developed a unique "one-stop-shop" approach that facilitates the development of business opportunities.

MIE Group announces that the Africa Food Show (AFS) will be held in Casablanca and will feature over 10 exhibiting countries, with at least 7,500 national and international visitors expected.

"Morocco is at the heart of our development strategy, and is a pivotal country for business development in Africa. Morocco and China have already established large-scale trade and investment exchanges. Today, it's a consolidation of Sino-Moroccan relations that is giving a valuable start to accelerating the recovery. We're what's known as Foreigner Business Drivers, we incubate relations with foreign countries, and thanks to our various editions in several sectors, we've mastered these connections perfectly", asserts Zahoor Ahmed, VP Strategies and Partnerships.

And Othmane Mediouni, Country Manager MIE Morocco, adds: "The AFS Show is an extraordinary opportunity to dissect the agri-food sector, with a dozen seminars bringing together experts from the sector, and quality networking, which will create crucial twinnings. We are convinced that this edition will be special, in terms of progress for the country."

Reference: https://telquel.ma/2023/10/19/la-5e-edition-de-lafrica-food-show-se-tiendra-a-casablanca_1836582

What is your choice for the Africa Food Show Morocco 2025?


Gain new connections – emails, names, handshakes - potential clients and client inquiries, boosting your sales pipeline for the year.



Connect, learn, collaborate and discover the inspiration to take on challenges and unlock new business opportunities.



Position yourself as a thought-leader and keep your company’s profile at the front of the industry.



Affiliate your brand to a global and world class event to ignite your brand visibility, earn repeat business and referrals to new clients.